Insulin Resistance - "Health Protocol: Taking Control of Your Numbers"

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Insulin Resistance

Why Is Insulin Resistance A Bad Thing?

Insulin resistance is a problem for many reasons. Insulin resistance  is a fundamental condition that drives not only type II diabetes, but  other major chronic diseases of ageing including fatty liver disease,  heart disease and cancer. Even before insulin resistance results in  elevated blood sugar, the liver is storing excess glucose as fat. This  increased fat production is accompanied by an increase in production of  very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), which is a particle that carries  fatty acids to tissues. This increases fat deposition in the walls of  the arteries, which drives atherosclerosis. The accumulation of fat also  sets the liver on the path to fatty liver disease.
The increase in insulin production in response to insulin resistance  also causes a number of problems. Insulin is a growth promoting hormone,  and as such can promote the growth of cancers.  Insulin also promotes inflammation, which is a factor in driving almost  all chronic diseases of ageing, including cancer, heart disease, and  neurodegenerative diseases.
When insulin resistance results in elevated blood sugar in diabetes,  this can cause damage to blood vessels and the nervous system if it  persists for an extended period of time. When blood sugar is extremely  elevated, the kidneys reabsorb less glucose and consequently less water,  which may cause severe (and potentially fatal) dehydration. Because  insulin resistance makes it difficult to get glucose from the blood into  the cells that could use it, cells may be forced to convert fat into  ketone bodies for fuel. If this continues for long enough, these ketone  bodies may build up and enter the blood, causing it to become too  acidic. This is called diabetic ketoacidosis, and can be  life-threatening.

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